Special Occasion Cupcakes

Here is another contribution from our cousin Emily.  She made these lovely mini cupcakes for her daughter's baby blessing dinner.  
Special Occasion Cupcakes
white cupcakes, mini or regular (made from your favorite cake mix or recipe)
1 box raspberry Danish Dessert
1 (8 oz.) pkg. cream cheese
1 cup sugar
2-3 cups whipping cream or  8 oz. container of Cool Whip

Prepare cupcakes or mini-cupcakes as desired.  Let cool. Prepare Danish Dessert and set aside to cool, stirring occasionally. Beat cream cheese and sugar until very smooth. Whip cream separately and then fold into cream cheese mixture.  Fold the cooled Danish Dessert into the whip cream/cream cheese/sugar mixture. Pipe on top of cupcakes.  Keep covered and refrigerated.

Emily's Note: I wanted to make red and white special occasion cupcakes for Isabell's baby blessing dinner.  I came up with the idea to fold the cooled Danish Dessert into the whip cream/cream cheese/sugar mixture.  It worked like a charm!  The pink color was perfect and it was super easy to pipe onto the mini cupcakes using a zip top bag with a corner cut off. The Danish Dessert will also thicken up the whip cream and cream cheese as it cools.

Additional Note: This recipe is adapted from Red and White Special Occasion Cake--posted earlier.  Danish Dessert is a boxed mix that makes a red, clear fruit glaze.  You may be able to find it in the baking aisle close to the Jell-O. 


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